Mission Statement
To be the cultural and educational resource center for the residents of the Township of Irvington and its neighboring communities.
1.To provide open, non-judgmental access to its collections and services without regard to race, citizenship, age, educational level, economic status, religion, or any other qualification or condition and to provide courteous, efficient, and prompt service by qualified personnel.
2.To acquire and make easily and equally available to the community the print and non-print materials in the collection of the Irvington Public Library and to provide access to the collections of the New Jersey Library Network and other cooperating libraries.
4. To expedite the selection, acquisition, and processing of new materials which provide current and accurate information on any topic which reflects the interests and needs of the community.
5. To attract and develop a staff of high quality with special skills and knowledge to help Library users and to create an environment that motivates staff to achieve high levels of performance and productivity.
6. To develop staff awareness of the community through continued training and education.
7. To make available on a regular basis a wide variety of exhibits prepared by library staff and members of the community who wish to display their works and collections.
8. To utilize appropriate technology to maintain and improve Library operations and services.
9. To maintain a library building that will provide easy access to facilities, will be open hours convenient to the public, and that will offer an attractive and comfortable atmosphere conducive to reading and learning.
10. To assess periodically the community's information needs and to plan programs to satisfy those needs.
11. To develop and maintain working relationships with other civic, cultural, educational, social, and informational agencies.
12. To pursue supplemental sources of support for the Library program including grants and gifts.
13. To insure the rights of privacy in the selection and use of materials by individual Library users.
14. To support the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement and to protect Library material from censorship.
Approved June 12, 1987